Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Let’s keep talking about Summer. This week’s homework explores the connections between Math and Art.  It is from a great website called youcubed.org, where you can find lots of fun activities (some digital, some “in real life”).  Over the long vacation, you can keep your student thinking mathematically by checking out a few of the activities there.  In the same way, scheduling a little art time can really cement that thinking. I find that once students see how fun it is to explore patterns and designs, they dive deep into creative play with math and art ideas.

To send the kids off into a strong reading habit this week, I am no longer asking for a reading reflection.  Instead I want kids to make a Summer reading plan.  What books do they want to read?  How can they find them at the library? Please keep the plan at home to refer to over the Summer.

In case you did not hear it from the school district, we have shut off all access to drinking water at our school until lead testing can be finished.  The district did send in a couple of cases of bottled water to keep us hydrated, but feel free to send your child with a water bottle (or two), as the weather is going to stay hot.

Upcoming Events
6/8 Obo Addy Legacy Project Drumming Performance 1:30 @ Lewis
HOMEWORK THIS WEEK:   Due Friday 6/23
  • READING: Summer reading plan (keep this at home)
  • Math Art challenge

Summer Reading Plans

Let’s find some books you want to read this summer!  
Here is a website with lots of book lists.
The cool thing about this list is you can check out all of these books at the library.
Here is another list of  lists of books you can explore.
Use the table below to plan which books you want to read


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