Week 3: What a week!
We are really getting into the groove. This week we launched some new aspects of our learning and got even deeper into others.
We continued to work on writing about ourselves by using the character trait vocabulary we've been learning through our read-aloud book. We also got our new personal spelling dictionaries and learned how to do some peer editing.
We had our second successful Friday Math Jam with lots of parent helpers.
The students really enjoyed all of the time working in small groups.
I was grateful for the time to work one-on-one with kids and get to know them better as mathematicians.
Science. We began by studying fundamental scientific skills and strategies. This week we focused on observing the world around us. We studied all of the great rocks students brought in and some leaves from around the school.
This ties in with our work in Art, where we started learning about observational drawing. We challenged ourselves to really LOOK at the things we are drawing and practiced by drawing each other - first, without looking at the paper, second, only looking a little at the paper, and third, by looking 50/50 at the subject and the paper. The results are pretty hilarious. One student said "It looks like you drew me in the blender!"
Mr. Lauer came in and set up our new computer cart. We practiced logging in and creating documents. Up next, turning text documents into multimedia presentations!

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